
A pacemaker is a device that is used to create electrical stimulation or heart rate and control heart rate. Proper electrical activity starts from the focal point called the atrium, which, after transferring from the upper cavity of the heart,that is called an atrium, It has reached the ventricular atrium and subsequently, after being released in a conduction system called right and left conduction bands, causes proper contraction movement in the lower cavity of the heart called ventricles.

 Disturbance in each of these areas can lead to impairment in electrical performance and, consequently, abnormalities in the mechanical activity of the heart, which will be a factor in the reduction of cardiac output and the occurrence of clinical symptoms such as fatigue, chest pain, dyspnea and decreased Transient level of consciousness, which we call syncope.

Pacemaker is an electronic device with weight about 30 grams, which has a high power battery with electronic circuits,computer memory and it is able for producing electric waves. These electronic pulsed are transmitted through a thin string to the heart muscle. If you have enough energy, heart muscle can contract and produce heart rate. The amount of energy needed for the contraction of the heart muscle and the number of beats produced by the pacemaker can be measured and changed, which we know as the pacemaker analysis.