Oven (Fou’r)

Hot air ovens

Hot Air Oven is widely used for determining the effect of ageing on various physical properties of different materials. It is being used by number of industries for heating and undertaking other oven dry tests in the laboratory. Hot Air Oven is also being used by chemical industry for various chemical tests in laboratory.

Hot Air Oven test is done by heating the material under test, inside an oven so that the effects of long-term ageing are reproduced within a much shorter duration.

For, this evaluation, physical properties of the material under test are determined before ageing, and again after ageing the test specimen at the specified temperature, for a set duration of time and subsequent cooling to the room temperature before conducting the tests again.

 Features of Hot Air Oven:

  • Digital Temperature Indicator Cum Controller controls the temperature inside the test chamber.
  • Inner walls are of stainless steel and outer walls of mild steel sheet.
  • Chamber is provided with two ventilation ports.
  • Long life

Advantages and disadvantages

They do not require water and there is not much pressure build up within the oven, unlike an autoclave, making them safer to work with. This also makes them more suitable to be used in a laboratory environment. They are much smaller than autoclaves but can still be as effective. They can be more rapid than an autoclave and higher temperatures can be reached compared to other means. As they use dry heat instead of moist heat, some organisms like prions, may not be killed by them every time, based on the principle of thermal inactivation by oxidation.